2025 Perform Better Digital Catalog


Y-BALANCE TEST KIT A quick and easy way to assess a person’s risk for injury. Use for measuring pre- and post-rehabilitation performance, improvement after performance-enhancement programs, and return-to-sport readiness. Tests can show if your clients and athletes demonstrate functional symmetry. Professional Y-Balance Test Kit is a high-end, bamboo wood kit that can be taken apart for easy storage. Urethane coating with laser engravings makes this kit extremely durable. Travel bag is included. #3802-01 Y-Balance Test Kit $269.95 #3802-02 Professional Y-Balance Test Kit $389.95

Professional Y-Balance Kit

Professional kit can be taken apart for easy storage

Displays weight, muscle mass, and body fat in seconds

INBODY 270 BODY COMPOSITION ANALYZER Measure your fat, muscle, and water levels in less than a minute.

OUTPUT SPORTS V2 SENSOR A one-stop tool that empowers coaches and practitioners to optimize their athlete's performance. With one matchbook-sized sensor and the V2 Capture app, you can quantify and track over 180 performance tests for strength, power, speed, velocity-based training, plyometrics, and movement. Time-saving and accurate athletic development, and return-to-play data. The Hub has real-time leaderboards and live-modes, includes a workout

Simply stand on the device and hold the hand electrodes to test. Safe, low-level currents are sent through the body

via the hand and foot electrodes, which encounter bioelectrical impedance to measure body composition. Voice guidance system allows users to test with and without a trained professional. Each test will print out a full-page results sheet detailing all the data of the user. Includes the InBody270 Body Composition Analyzer, (1) Laser Printer, (1) Box of 500 Result Sheets, (1) Box of 300 InBody Tissue, (1) USB for data transfer, and a Results Interpretation Poster. #3821-01 InBody 270 CALL FOR PRICE

builder and report exporting options. Includes sensor, bar, foot, quad, wrist and torso straps, charging cable, case, and 1-year subscription to the Hub.


Output V2




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