Extra large hooks for hanging suspension trainers or heavy bags
Medicine ball trays hold all size medicine balls
Trays are lined to keep equipment from scratching the rack
PB EXTREME ® SPECTRUM RACK The perfect solution for your functional training space.
Modular design allows you to build on demand to meet both your training and storage needs. Each rack includes a pull-up bar with 2 eye hooks on the end for suspension trainers or resistance bands. Each shelf measures 44"L and can mount at multiple heights. Choose the storage components that you prefer for each rack section. Components include a dumbbell tray, kettlebell tray, and a medicine ball tray. Additional bays can be added to extend the length of your rack. Single-Sided Add-On Bay allows you to extend your Spectrum Rack, increasing your storage and number of bays. Double- Sided Spectrum Rack allows for training and storage on both sides of the rack and also includes a pull-up bar on each side. #4154-01 Spectrum Rack CALL FOR PRICE #4154-02 Double-Sided Spectrum Rack CALL FOR PRICE #4154-25 Single-Sided Add-On Bay CALL FOR PRICE
PIT SHARK BELT SQUAT Increase strength and power, and add tremendous flexibility to your weight training program. De-loads the spine while maximizing full range of motion. Great for belt squats, jump squats, single leg squats, good mornings, reverse lunges, and more. Squat deep, add weight, and even incorporate band
PB EXTREME ® FREESTANDING PLATFORMS Four-piece tube frame is constructed from 2" x 3" steel tube, making it more resistant to dents than a channel steel
frame. Handmade tongue-and-groove oak footing area. 3/4" thick rubber mats are water-jet cut for a precision fit and
resistance. Available in a white or black frame. Includes a belt with speed hook, squat handles, power deck, weight storage, band pegs,and a stainless steel plate logo.
manufactured to withstand heavy loads. Frames are now available in any of the standard frame colors. Ramps (offered in black only) are included with each platform. Made in the USA! #4007-06 8' x 6' Hardwood Platform $3795.00 #4007-08 8' x 8' Hardwood Platform $4195.00
/ Short Frame Premium Package (60"H x 67"W x 66"D)
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