
2025 3-DAY FUNCTIONAL TRAINING SUMMIT KERRY TAYLOR CSCS, HKC • Founder and Owner of 212 Health and Performance • One of the creators of Power Up Recovery • Best selling author and Speed & Conidtioning Director for the state of RI • Coach and Educator for over 20 years Get Moving With Kettlebells In this hands-on, we will get you out of your typical


BRENDAN STAPLETON B.S., AHFS, CPT, CES, CETI • Over 20 years in the industry as an owner, coach, consultant and brand manager • 3 years as National Director of Operations for over 150 franchises • Owner and founder of the Stapleton Consulting Group Why Good Owners Run Bad Businesses Even the most passionate gym owners and personal trainers can struggle to turn their fitness expertise into a thriving business. In “Why Good Owners Run Bad Businesses,” we’ll uncover the common pitfalls that hold well-meaning owners back, from ineffective marketing and weak client retention strategies to operational inefficien- cies and lack of staff development. In it, find out how to attract and retain clients, create a killer team, and run your operations for sustainable success. With practical insights developed specifically for the fitness professional, this session closes the gap between passion and business excellence. Change your gym today for a better tomorrow! (Lecture Only) Chicago

CHARLIE WEINGROFF DPT, ATC, CSCS • World Renowned Physical Therapist and Performance Coach • Director of Physical Performance,Men’s Canadian National Basketball Team

ROBERT YANG MS, CCN, CN, CSCS • International speaker in the areas of nutrition and performance enhancement • Advisory board member for the USGA’s U.S. National Development Program • Advisory board member for the Titleist Performance Institute • Advisory board member for the National Pitching Association • Team Nutritionist for the USGA’s U.S. National Development Program • Author of Hole-in-One Nutrition: A Guide to Fueling Better Golf 5 Ways to Prevent Food Cravings Are you struggling with sugar cravings after dinner? Do you always want crunchy/salty snacks? Are you finding yourself hankering for chocolate throughout the day? Whether you’re trying to lose weight or heal your gut, food cravings can put you in a tailspin. Unfortunately, willpower will go only so far. The key question is: why do you crave certain foods? In this lecture, Robert will address the “why” and will offer simple and effective strategies so you’ll be better equipped to manage and reduce unwanted food cravings. (Lecture Only) Long Beach dysfunctions cause other problems up the kinetic chain. Examine what happens when the foot enters into the ground and how the chain reaction mechanics to the foot unleash the rest of the body to load and perform optimally. In the hands-on, Todd will show you how to prepare the foot through 3D mobility and flexibility techniques specific to the foot. Learn the systematic approaches of 3D locomotion and 3D balance escalation to keep all your clients’ and athletes’ feet healthy. Long Beach, Providence TODD WRIGHT CSCS • Assistant Coach – Vice President of Player Performance – LA Clippers • Founder of Train 4 the Game, Austin Texas • Over 30 years of coaching in high performance • Coaching stints at Clemson, Texas, Philadelphia 76ers • Speaker on functional performance and rehabilitation since 2006 • Fellow of Applied Functional Science The Foot 101 Our body is a vertical column placed on a horizontal platform. That platform consists of 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100+ muscles…your foot. Learn the uniqueness to this structure and its importance to the rest of our entire kinetic chain. Could your big toe actually cause your low back pain? You will also learn how to assess your client and athlete’s feet both locally and globally through functional testing. You will see live foot dysfunctions and how those

• Former Strength & Conditioning Coach, Philadelphia 76ers • Creator of Training = Rehab continuing education and mentorship model • Solopreneur Business Consultant Cracking the Code of Lower Back Function: Enhancing Performance and Managing Pain with Targeted Strategies The area of the lower back contributes to countless pain patterns and performance opportunities. As the link between the upper and lower body, this joint system has a role in nearly all mechanical solutions. This presentation will distill consistent language, common situations, and non-painful exercise strategies targeting this lower back area. Chicago, Providence

Kettlebell box of the great 8 drills and movements. Once you master the movements in a bilateral stance, where can you go? Adding more reps and resistance, isn’t always the answer. What about moving from a staggered stance, kick stand stance, moving and not standing still. Open your mind and lets have some fun together! (Hands-On Only) Providence

FRANK VELASQUEZ JR ATC, CSCS • Internationally recognized expert in strength and conditioning, sports medicine, high performance and recovery • Director of Sports Performance for the Allegheny Health Network (Pittsburgh, PA)


• Head of Athletic Performance & Science at the Irish Rugby Football Union • Author of The Language of Coaching: The Art & Science of Teaching Movement


• Owner of Corey Taylor Sports Performance (Louisville, KY) • Recognized for his straightforward, motivational training methods • Nationally known NFL Combine Prep Coach • Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the College Gridiron Showcase • Former Golf Performance coach on the PGA and LPGA Tours • Author of “The Performance Edge: A Guide To Better Golf” Practical and Proven Methods for Improving Speed In every sport, games and match-ups are decided by a fraction of an inch or getting to the spot a millisecond sooner. Because of this, every athlete works to achieve any speed advantage they can. In this session, trainers and coaches will learn specific speed, agility and quickness techniques that can be used with athletes ranging from age 7 to the professional level. This session will help you get your athletes the ultimate advantage in their sport. What makes This Session Different? I will break down the basic functions of running mechanics for athletes of all ages, including professional athletes. Coaches will learn how to implement speed as a movement quality into their training program and also learn the difference between training for speed versus conditioning. I will also discuss multi- directional speed, linear speed and counter speed. (Hands-On Only) Long Beach

• Former Athletic Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Texas Rangers, Pittsburgh Pirates and Team USA Gold Medal winner for the 2017 World Baseball Classic Strengh Training For The Active Middle-Aged Adult and Elderly Population Learn the program components that are needed when working with the active middle-aged adult and elderly population. What should the evaluation process look like? What should their goals be? What about exercise selection, programming of exercises, sets, reps and intensities? How much time is needed to strength train? How many days a week should one strength train? How do we handle arthritic joints? There is no “One-Size Fits-All” when it comes to this task. Come learn the ingredients and how to apply the correct doses for your middle-aged active adults and elderly clients to reduce injury risk and keep them stronger for longer! Long Beach

• Former Director of Training Systems & Education at EXOS “Pump-Up” Your Coaching: An Exploration of Cueing For Building Muscle When it comes to muscle hypertrophy and bodybuilding there is a longstanding interest in the mind-muscle connection: what should we focus on to maximise muscle recruitment and thus muscular growth? In this presenta- tion we’ll review the evidence and discuss a number of novel protocols you can use to get more out of every rep. Chicago


• Executive Director, Oklahoma State University Human Performance and Nutrition Research Institute • Former Global Performance Director, Michael Johnson Performance • 30 Years of Combining Coaching, Physical Therapy, and Sports Science at All Competitive Levels The Power Rebound: Why Plyometrics Are Jumping Back Into the Spotlight Plyometrics are making a comeback, but this isn’t the same old box jump routine—modern training is smarter, more precise, and influenced by innovative technology. From microdosing explosive movements to integrating wearable tech, athletes and coaches are rediscovering the power of jumping, landing, and reactive strength. Whether you’re training youth athletes, tactical professionals, or fitness enthusiasts, this session will break down some recent innovations in plyometric training and give you some ideas on how they are being implemented for both health and performance. Chicago

For additional information, call 800-556-7464 or visit performbetter.com/seminars

Chicago, IL June 12-14 | Long Beach, CA July 17-19 | Providence, RI August 14-16



For information or to register, call toll-free 800-556-7464 or visit performbetter.com/seminars

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